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September 12, 2024


A Letter from The Daughter of a Truck Driver – Happy Driver Appreciation Week

Tosha Missel, PacLease Senior Marketing Specialist

National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is set to take place from September 15th to the 21st. This week-long event is dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the hard work of professional truck drivers across the United States.

As we celebrate National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, I would like to take a moment to recognize and commend the relentless dedication of our truck drivers. They are essential to our economy, making sure store shelves are stocked, manufacturing operations are supported, products for essential services are provided, and contributing to our infrastructure growth.

According to the American Trucking Associations, in 2022, trucks were responsible for transporting an impressive 11.46 billion tons of freight (primary shipments only), representing a remarkable 72.6% of the total domestic tonnage shipped. Furthermore, the industry employed an impressive 3.54 million truck drivers during the same year.

In honor of National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, I would like to share a letter with all the dedicated truck drivers to honor their hard work during this special week.

Dear Truck Drivers,


I see you on the road every day. I am that individual who willingly yields to give you space to merge onto the highway. When I notice your turn signal, I make an effort to create a gap for you. I am aware of your blind spots and ensure you have enough room to maneuver safely. I recognize and respect the distance you require to brake safely, and I never engage in cutting you off while driving. I take great pride in the fact that my father is a truck driver. Throughout my upbringing, I had the opportunity of accompanying him on both long-haul and local deliveries in the big rig. Those experiences taught me the values of hard work, dedication, resilience, patience, and grit. I also understand the challenges that come with the profession - the demanding nature of the road, the long hours, and the sacrifices made, including missing out on important family events.

As we celebrate National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, I would like to express my gratitude for everything you do.

Show your appreciation by taking a moment to thank a driver by being safe and courteous on the road. A simple “thank you” to a driver can make a big difference in their day. It’s essential to remember that trucks require more space to maneuver compared to smaller vehicles, so it's important to be aware of their needs. Here are a few tips for sharing the highway:

1. Give them space: Recognize that semi-trucks have larger blind spots than regular vehicles. To help truck drivers see you, avoid these areas. If you’re unable to see their mirrors, they can't see you either.

2. Merge safely: When merging onto the highway or changing lanes, provide ample space for trucks to merge smoothly. Be patient and give them enough room to maneuver.

3. Keep a safe distance: Avoid tailgating. Trucks require more time and distance to stop compared to smaller vehicles. Maintaining a safe following distance will allow you and the truck driver enough time to respond to any unexpected situations.

4. Pass with caution: When passing a truck, do so with caution and at a steady speed. Avoid lingering in the truck's blind spots. Signal your intentions, accelerate, and complete the pass in a timely manner, giving the truck plenty of room.

5. Be patient: Remember that trucks may take longer to accelerate, especially when fully loaded. Practice patience and avoid aggressive maneuvers around them.

By following these tips, you can help ensure a safer and more harmonious experience while sharing the highway.

To access additional information and statistics, please visit the official website of the American Trucking Associations at

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